Friday, August 7, 2009

Network computer control

Net Control 2
Remote control and administration tool for classroom, office, home and other local networks. Control Desktop remotely, broadcast desktop in the network, manage files, send messages and monitor computers remotely. Easily allows controlling several computers simultaneously. ... Provide a wide range of controlling and monitoring features, including: - Remote Desktop features (control user computer remotely, using keyboard and mouse; control several computers simultaneously). ... - Broadcast Desktop features (broadcast desktop of selected computer to all users in the network). - 1Mb - Download - Screenshot

Network LookOut Administrator
The Network LookOut Administrator allows you to see live screens of remote computers. This way, you can always watch what users are doing on the remote computer. Additionally, you have the ability to take control of a remote computer by controlling the mouse and keyboard; this is especially... s activities on a remote computer. ... For monitoring students in the classroom to achieve better discipline or, just to assist them (by using the remote control feature) when they are in trouble. ... your computer. - 3Mb - Download - Screenshot

Network LookOut Administrator Pro
The Network LookOut Administrator Professional allows you to see live screens of remote computers. This way, you can always watch what users are doing on the remote computer. Additionally, you have the ability to take control of a remote computer by controlling the mouse and keyboard; this is... For monitoring students in the classroom to achieve better discipline or, just to assist them (by using the remote control feature) when they are in trouble. ... For administrating all computers just from one location - your computer. - 9Mb - Download - Screenshot

Net Monitor for Employees
The Network LookOut Administrator allows you to see live screens of remote computers. This way, you can always watch what users are doing on the remote computer. Additionally, you have the ability to take control of a remote computer by controlling the mouse and keyboard; this is especially... s activities on a remote computer. ... For monitoring students in the classroom to achieve better discipline or, just to assist them (by using the remote control feature) when they are in trouble. ... your computer. - 3Mb - Download - Screenshot

Remote Control PRO
Allows the Network Administrator to view and control remote network computers without having to leave their own workplace. The Administrator connects to the remote computer over the network and, having the remote computer's desktop on the screen of their own PC, launches programs, changes... by using their own keyboard and mouse. - 1Mb - Download - Screenshot

Using Anyplace Control, the network administrators no longer need to be chained to their desks. The program enables a network administrator to perform a full remote controlling of any PC in the network, from anywhere in the world. Basic features: Remote Installation of our software in the... Remote power management: remote shutdown, logoff and reboot, disable remote keyboard and mouse, turn off remote monitor; Ability to configure our software to work via routers and Firewalls; Ability to control network PC via Internet; Ability to control remote PC with dynamical IP address. - 2Mb - Download - Screenshot

Remote Control Tools
JurikSoft Remote Control Tools- software for remote administration of computers under OS Microsoft Windows 2000\XP or Windows Server 2003. This software products are develop using Microsoft . NET technology for current and future OS from Microsoft. After installation JurikSoft Remote Control... Using JurikSoft Remote Control Tools you can control the remote PC through your own. ... JurikSoft Remote Control Tools does not require high-speed network connection. ... Remote PC can be anywhere in your local network or Internet. - 5Mb - Download - Screenshot

Artificial Neural Networks are computational paradigms which implement simplified models of their biological counterparts, biological neural networks. Biological Neural Networks are the local assemblages of neurons and their dendrite connections that form the brain. ... Artificial Neural Networks use highly distributed representations and transformations that operate in parallel, have distributed control through many highly interconnected neurons, and store their information in variable strength connections called synapses – just like a human brain. - 63Kb - Download - Screenshot

Remote Control Lan Edition
Take control of computers on your network. IntelliAdmin makes it easy to control any PC on your LAN in seconds. Just type in a computer name - click connect - and you are working on the computer as if you were there. No agents, no manual install, it just works! - 987Kb - Download - Screenshot

PlanetRemote Plus
PlanetRemote allows you to take control of your computer and access your files remotely as if you were actually sitting right in front of it! You can control your computer using a standard web browser from any computer connected to the Internet or your local network (LAN). ... This access control list allows you to restrict access to your computer based on the connecting computer's IP or network address. ... PlanetRemote will automatically assign your computer a static Internet Name that tracks your computer's current IP address and allows you to connect to your computer from a remote... - 10Mb - Download - Screenshot

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